
Water Pollution 【07.05.2013】

After making the group mind map of the topic of hero, we had to make our own mind map of the topic we have and we have to do more research. At first, we have to find an articles that we are interested in and after that we have to make our own mind map about it. I had spent three days on making this mind map.
Below is the mind map that I had made for my article :

The article is about the water pollution.
Water pollution incident affects 9000 in southest China. 2008-02-26

KUNMING - Water pollution form homemade fertilizer affected the drinking water of 9000 people in two towns in southest China's Yunnan province last week and killed 20 tons of fish in a fishery, officials said on Tuesday.
The incident was caused by a villager named Zhou Shun Fu, who dumped 120 tons of waste residue with phosphor on his own fields, thinking that it could be used as fertilizer, they said, Zhou lives in Huawa Village in SongMing Town of Kunming, Capital of Yunnan.
The material contaiminated the ground water and polluted the drinking water in and around Songming Town.Villages in Yiliang Town downstream were also affected. At a fishery belonging to villager Yang ZhengBo, 20 tons of fries died within a day, costing him about 1.36 million yuan (about US$ 190,200).
The local goverment has notified villagers about the water problem and the goverment has send a team to the site to clean up pollution.
Zhou, meanwhile, has been token into police custody while the incident remains under investigate.

My mind map is about the water pollution:

Information (White):
- Surface water pollution
- Oxygen Depleting
- Nutrients
- Suspended matter
- Chemical
- Microbiological
- Mercury poisoning
- Suffocation
- Depleting of oxygen
- Destroyed Ecosystems

Yellow (Positive):
- World Water Council
 > Observed by UN members states
- World Water Day
 > 22nd March
- United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

Blue ( Organization ):
- Sickness
 > Stomach Sickness
 > Typhoid
 > Cancer
 > Reproductive Problems
 > Rashes
 > Skins
 > Fever

- Water
 > Underground Water
 > Rain
 > Lake
 > River
 > Sea
 > Ocean

Creativity ( Green ):
- Enforce Existing Laws
 > Clean  Water Art
 > Soil
- Stop Nutrient and Pesticide Pollution
 > Fertilizer Pesticide
- Driveless
- Recycle
- Less Plastic
- Green

Feeling ( Red):
- Worried
-No awareness of conservation

Negative ( Black ):
- Dumpling solid wastes to rivers
 > Plastics
 > Glass
 > Aluminium

-Industrial Waste
 > Lead
 > Mercury
 > Asbestors
 > Petrochemicals

-Ship travel
-Oil Spills
-Commerial Building
 > Sewage
 >  Household factories fish
 > Suffocation
 > Birds

This is all about my mind map~~~~XD


